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Choose a file format and a word processor for your writings

Different file formats and corresponding word processors

Markdown Format

The markdown format is a well-known format in the STEM community. Humanities could greatly benefit from using it too. In few words, markdown aims to be the lightest format for structured text while preserving multiple formatting capabilities.

brief history of the markdown format

If you want to learn how to use the markdown format you can read this brief tutorial.

The basic syntax of markdown files is often extended with new features. The resulting syntax is called a “flavor” of the markdown syntax.


A simple text editor is enough to edit a markdown file, but there are also advanced word processors:

Have a look at this comparison of Zettlr with other popular Markdown editors. You may also read this comparison.

Markdown flavor and editors used

At Pambda, we use a pandoc-flavored markdown, a well-known and well documented markdown variation. The power of this markdown flavor is showcased in details in the corresponding sample file.

We provide guidance with Zettlr and Visual Studio Code for editing markdown files.

A choice

Docx Format

As far as we know docx is the most famous file format for writing structured text.

Microsoft released the docx format along Microsoft Word 2007. The acronym docx means “doc extension”. The docx format is officially the successor of the doc format, used in previous versions of Microsoft Word, back in 1997. It is often thought that Microsoft created the docx format to protect itself against the odt format – that was threatening the Microsoft Word monopoly. When the docx came out, it was supposed to follow the OOXML norm, but Microsoft diverged from this initial standard to gradually add new features to its docx files.

Word processors

Docx files are usually edited with the charged and proprietary software, Microsoft Word. But free editors exist:

LibreOffice and OpenOffice deal well with docx files that follow the OOXML norm. Unfortunately the docx of Microsoft keeps diverging from this norm. Thus, if you use either LibreOffice or OpenOffice to open docx files created with Microsoft Word, you may see some quirks when advanced formatting features have been used.


Word processor used

At Pambda, we ensure that docx files written with LibreOffice, work well with our services. During our after-sales services we provide assistance with LibreOffice. Docx documents, written with Microsoft Word, work well with our service too.

Odt Format

As part of the Open Document Formats (ODF), the odt format was created around 2006, just before docx. The odt format is open source and has been created to ease the exchange of text documents between word processors. Unfortunately, odt seems still far less used than docx.

Word processor used

Being open source and stable, most of the word processors support the odt format. Although some versions of Microsoft Word and OnlyOffice are known for behaving badly with this format.

At Pambda, we provide guidance with LibreOffice to edit odt files.

Html Format

If you know the HTML markup language, you can write directly into HTML. This will give you full control over the layout of your writings. Visual Studio Code works well for editing HTML documents.