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Please check the reconstruction log. If you see an error in the log, follow the workflow of the manual.

If the date of the last reconstruction does not match with your last edition, it might be due to either:

  • The format of the file is not supported. Check that the format of the file match one of the formats described in the manual. Our service supports a specific list of formats for text documents, images, videos, sounds, etc.
  • There is a connection issue.
  • Our service is down.
  • There is an error in our service.

To check the connection and to check that our service is running, you can manually trigger a reconstruction by editing your index file:

  1. Add a random character in your index file and save it.
  2. Check that the character shows up on your website.
  3. Remove the character and save it once more.
If you saw the edition, we can rule out the connection error, and it also means that our service runs. Then please contact us and describe the edition you made with your file. We will search why the edition you made was not taken into account by our service.

Main causes of website reconstruction failures are:

  • For docx files:
    • A wrong usage of a custom style. Please check that:
      • The text in a html block does not contain URLs formatted with a link format. (After a copy-paste, the editor often adds itself link styles for URLs.) If it happens remove all link styles in the block.
      • In a html block, only use the basic character style of the text body.
  • Missing input files: read the reconstruction log, it will guide you to the missing files. For instance, in a log, you can see that a reconstruction has failed due to a missing file for the computation of `.navbar.html`. A corresponding source file is needed and can be provided by creating a file named `.navbar.ext`, with the extension of your choice. It can be `.navbar.docx` if you like files with the docx format or `` if you prefer markdown.
  • A read permission is missing on a file ("Permission denied"): Check the file permissions and verify that allow all users are allowed to read it. To do that on Windows: right-click on your file > Security Tab > check that "all users" (or "system") have read rights. To give read permissions: in the Security tab, click on "Modify…" and tick the appropriate box.
  • A text document has the same name — except its extension — as a folder containing other documents intended to become webpages. This may cause issues since a folder that has the same name as a document next to itself is intended to host media that will be displayed in the webpage of the document. To avoid folder name conflicts and possible reconstruction errors, you should rename your documents and folders with this handy convention.

It happened in LibreOffice with docx files. It is often due to the usage of the "Title" paragraph style. Avoid the Title paragraph style and use the paragraph style "Heading 1" instead. In LibreOffice, a displayed docx file may not show a hidden numbered list item in the code of the file. To disable the numbered list in the file:

  • Click on the paragraph.

Now look at the numbered list button on the top panel. It should display the status that there is no numbered list. Then

  • Click on the numbered list button.
  • Re-click on the numbered list button. Even if you cannot see the difference in the graphical interface of LibreOffice (compared to what you had initially), this operation should have removed the hidden information in the docx. After uploading the docx, you can now verify that the webpage does not display the list item number anymore.