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Other services

You can find here the different IT services we propose in addition to the services for creating and managing a website.

65 €/h
Python, Bash and Haskell

Programming courses
Deploying services in the cloud
Mail server, Git server
REST API, DevOps, …

Software packaging
Docker, Nix, Python, Haskell

Linux distributions
installation and maintenance
Debian/Ubuntu, Arch Linux/Manjaro, NixOS

Free and open source software
Setup a router with top-notch parental control
550 €
User profiles with custom rules
Internet schedules
e.g., allow between 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Mondays

Internet time quota
e.g., no more than 2 hours/day

Web filters with blocklists
choose categories of blocked sites among: Drugs, Adult, Gambling, Violence, etc.

Enforce SafeSearch
on Google, YouTube, Bing, etc.

Users can submit requests to unblock websites
Admin gets notifications on his web interface or a mobile app
Get reports on each user activities
Grant rewards
e.g., additional hours of internet usage this evening

Preserve your personal data
No requests to third party, the router self-host a regularly updated database

If you want to create a website with a blog, go here. If you don't need a blog on your website, you may want to look at these offers. And if you want to add a blog to a preexisting website, here are the corresponding services.