Example of webpage created from a odt file
This page has been calculated from this odt file
(optional) Table of Contents
Inline/Character formatting
You can use several character formats:
- crossed
words - supperscript
- subscript
You can write emojis 😄
Links to outside
You can also insert links to external web pages, like www.google.com using a http or https protocol prefix for the link target : i.e. http://www.google.com/.
You can write emails and phone numbers:
Paragraph formatting
New line and new paragraph
A paragraph is a set of lines without any ¶ (a "pilcrow"), inserted with the key Enter. In other words, any ¶ ends a paragraph.
In your document, if you do not see ¶: you can usually “toggle the formatting marks” in your text editor.
If you want a new line in a paragraph, finish the line with ↲: the symbol of new line, inserted with Maj+Enter.
After a ¶ its a new paragraph.
You can use bulleted lists,
- first point
- 2nd point
- …
or numbered lists
- A
- B
- C
Bitmap images
You can insert standard bitmap or raster images (jpeg, png, etc.) with a simple drag-and-drop ...
… and control the size of images from the text editor.
Vector images
You can insert vector images in your text editor and control their size. The vector image will be converted into a bitmap image.
Animated images
You can insert animated images (GIF) and control their size within the editor
You can insert tables
Forename | Last Name | Email Address | Age |
Paul | Bertrand | pol.bertrand@gmail.com | 28 |
Pierre | Roger | pierreroger86@yahoo.fr | 34 |
Webpage metadata
This file format does not allow to set metadata of the computed webpage – like the title of the webpage – within the file itself. Thus metadata are defined by writing a metadata file next to this file. A metadata file, is a text file, with a yaml extension.
For instance, if your file is myfile.odt, create a file myfile.yaml.
Here is an example of a metadata file content
title: 'Pambda.com: Example of webpage created from a odt file'
author: 'Joseph Lucas'
date: '2020-03-12'
description: 'Example of webpage created from a odt file'
keywords: 'Pambda, Pambda.com, pandoc, odt, html, website'
header-includes: |
<meta property="og:type" content="website" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Pambda.com: Example of webpage created from a odt file" />
<meta property="og:url" content="https://pambda.com/Documentation/odt-formatting.html" />
<meta property="og:image" content="https://pambda.com/index/logo-social-networks.png" />
<meta property="og:image:type" content="image/png" />
<meta property="og:image:width" content="1200" />
<meta property="og:image:height" content="630" />
<meta property="og:image:alt" content="Pambda" />
<meta property="og:locale" content="en_US" />
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary\_large\_image">
Be careful, if you use single quotes (') within the value field, then write the values with double quotes (") rather than single quotes. Edit the values at the right of `:` with the values you want.
Metadata aren't mandatory but they have some utility: The _title_ is displayed in the browser tab of the webpage. The title, the description and key-words help search engines (like Google) to index your page. For more information about the long value of the field named "header-includes", see The Essential Meta Tags for Social Media.
Table of contents
If you want a table of contents, add this in the metadata block
toc: true
toc-title: 'Title of your table of Contents'
toc-depth: 2